#453 - Javier Milei

Books mentioned on Lex Fridman Podcast #453:

  1. Human Action: A Treatise on Economics by Ludwig Von Mises
  2. Principles of Economics by Carl Menger
  3. Time and Money: The Macroeconomics of Capital Structure by Roger W. Garrison
  4. Socialism: An Economic And Sociological Analysis by Ludwig Von Mises
  5. Capitalismo, socialismo y la trampa neoclásica (“Capitalism, socialism and the neoclassical trap”) by Javier Milei
  6. The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents by F. A. Hayek

Other authors mentioned:

Javier Gerardo Milei is an Argentine politician and economist who has served as President of Argentina since December 2023. He has taught university courses and written on various aspects of economics and politics and also hosted radio programs on the subject. Wikipedia

Watch or listen to episode #453